No pain, yet so much gain!
MSCULPT a procedure that helps clients build muscle and sculpt their bodies.
What is MSCULPT?
MSCULPT or Bodysculpt is a non-invasive treatment well known for its effectiveness in fat burning and muscle toning (abs, buttocks, arms, thighs etc). Even though it is often mistaken for EMS, MSCULPT is an involuntary muscle contraction which builds muscles. It is a method that utilizes electromagnetic energy.
The duration of the treatment is 30 minutes and is recommended to be repeated in 1 to 3-day intervals.
A 30-minute MSCULPT session on the tummy is equivalent to 30,000 crunches. Result? Visible and toned abs.
Use EMSCULPT to reduce the diameter of the waist, hips and thighs!
If you are not getting the desired result from your fitness regime, consider MSCULPT.
Sculpt your body to perfection!